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5 commits

4 changed files with 912 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
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@ -1,39 +1,102 @@
$fa = $preview ? 12 : 1; // Name on the can
$fs = $preview ? 1 : 0.2; name = "Peter";
height=168; // Can height
diameter=67; can_height = 168;// [115:330mL,168:500mL,135:Energy Drink,180:Energy Drink L,146:Soda Sleek]
thickness=2.5; // Can width
can_dia = 67;// [67:330mL,67:500mL,53:Energy Drink,63:Energy Drink L,58:Soda Sleek]
intersection(){ // Lip height
union(){ lip = 15;
difference(){ // Total wall thickness
cylinder(h=(height+thickness-15),r=diameter/2+thickness,center=true); thickness = 2.5;
translate([0,0,thickness/2+.1]) // Inner/Outer Wall thickness
cylinder(h=(height-15+.1),r=diameter/2,center=true); wall = 0.8;//[0.1:0.1:2.4]
translate([0,0,.6]) // Interior ribs
difference(){ ribs = 7;// [1:1:9]
cylinder(h=(height-15-1.0),r=diameter/2+.6,center=true); include <../lib/defaults.scad>
use <../lib/text_on.scad>
// For the Preview Crosssection
intersection() {
// To remove unnecessary edges
difference() {
union() {
// Primary Cylinder, inner & outer wall
translate([0, 0, thickness / 2])
union() {
difference() {
cylinder(h = can_height - lip - 2 * thickness, r = can_dia / 2 + thickness, center = true);
cylinder(h = can_height - lip - 2 * thickness + .1, r = can_dia / 2 + thickness - wall, center = true);
difference() {
cylinder(h = can_height - lip - 2 * thickness, r = can_dia / 2 + wall, center = true);
cylinder(h = can_height - lip - 2 * thickness + .1, r = can_dia / 2, center = true);
// Rounded lip
translate([0, 0, (can_height - lip - thickness) / 2])
translate([(can_dia + thickness) / 2, 0, 0])
intersection() {
circle(thickness / 2);
translate([-(thickness + 1) / 2, 0, 0])
square(thickness + 1);
// Bottom
translate([0, 0, -(can_height - lip - 3 * thickness) / 2])
translate([can_dia / 2, 0, 0])
intersection() {
union() {
difference() {
circle(thickness - wall);
rotate([0, 0, 45])
square([thickness - 2 * wall, thickness * 2 - wall], center = true);
translate([0, -thickness, 0])
} }
for(i=[-4:1:4]){ translate([0, 0, -(can_height - lip - 2 * thickness) / 2])
translate([0,0,i*15]) difference() {
union(){ cylinder(h = thickness, r = can_dia / 2, center = true);
difference(){ rotate([180, 0, 0])
cylinder(h=2, r=diameter/2+thickness,center=true); resize([can_dia * .9, can_dia * .9, 0], [true, true, false])
cylinder(h=2.1, r=diameter/2, center=true); linear_extrude(height = thickness / 2 + .1)
import(file = "1A_MainLogo_Cube_2021.svg", center = true);
// Ribs for structural strengt & grip
for(i = [-((ribs - 1) / 2):((ribs - 1) / 2)]) {
translate([0, 0, i * (can_height - lip) / (ribs + 1)])
union() {
difference() {
cylinder(h = 2, r = can_dia / 2 + thickness, center = true);
cylinder(h = 2.1, r = can_dia / 2, center = true);
} }
rotate_extrude() rotate_extrude()
translate([diameter/2,0,0]) translate([can_dia / 2, 0, 0])
scale([.5,1,1]) scale([.25, 1, 1])
circle(r=1); circle(r = 1);
} }
text_on_cylinder(t = name, r = can_dia / 2 + thickness, h = can_height / 2, size = 10, center = true, cylinder_center = true, extrusion_height = wall, font = "Hack Nerd Font");
} }
cylinder(h=can_height, r=2.1, center=true);
if ($preview) {
translate([0, 5 + can_dia / 4, 0])
cube([can_dia + 10, 10 + can_dia / 2, can_height + 10], center = true);
translate([0, 0, (thickness + lip) / 2])
%cylinder(h = can_height, d = can_dia, center = true);
} }
cube([80,40,200], center=true);

lib/defaults.scad Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
nozzle = !is_undef(nozzle) ? nozzle : 0.4;
layer = !is_undef(layer) ? layer : 0.2;
$fa = $preview ? 10 : 0.01;
$fs = $preview ? 1 : min(layer, nozzle/2);

lib/text_on.scad Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
/* text on ....
This is a rework of version 3 of write.scad to use the new OpenSCAD internal text() primitive.
All credit to Harlan Martin ( for his great effort on the original.
Great thanks to t-paul (and the OpenSCAD dev team) on adding the new text() primitive.
The arguments to be provided for each function are explictly in the modules.
All modules take close to all the arguments to text() [Not all features are supported in all text_on_object() modules though -- try them out warnings will be given if it is not supported]
text() params:
direction -- ltr, ttb, btt or rtl
halign -- left, right or center
valign -- baseline, bottom, top or center
All modules also take the additional arguments:
extrusion_height = depth of the letter, i.e. how far it sits proud
center //center the text at the location it is being written (NOT that the object is centered)
ALL faux-objects that the text is applied to have center=true
TODO: object_center=true/false (already done for cylinder)
The above arguemnts can be seen in text_extrude() as all modules call that module evetually (often multiple times).
locn_vector -- Where the faux-object has been translated to. TODO: Rename object to translate_vector?
Additional arguments for text_on_cube():
Additional arguments for text_on_cylinder():
Additional arguments for text_on_circle():
Additional arguments for text_on_sphere():
// These control the default values for text_extrude(), text_on_sphere(), text_on_cube(), text_on_cylinder(), text_on_circle()
// if the arguments are not included in the call to the module.
// Defaults
// Defaults for all modules
default_t = "text_on";
default_size = 4; // TODO - Can we make this 10?? To match internal size? There is an underlying value in text() -- This masks that.
default_font = "Liberation Mono";
default_spacing = 1; // Spacing between characters. There is an underlying value in text() -- This masks that. We try and match it here.
default_rotate = 0; // text rotation (clockwise)
default_center = true; //Text-centering
default_scale = [1,1,1];
default_extrusion_height = 2; //mm letter extrusion height
default_buffer_width = 0; //mm of buffer (thickening in all directions) to add to each letter
//Defaults for Cube
default_cube_face = "front"; // default face (top,bottom,left,right,back,front)
default_sphere_rounded = false; // default for rounded letters on text_on_sphere
default_cube_updown = 0; // mm up (-down) from center on face of cube
default_cube_rightleft = 0; // mm right(-left) from center on face of cube
//Defaults for Sphere
default_sphere_northsouth = 0;
default_sphere_eastwest = 0;
default_sphere_spin = 0; // TODO:Different to rotate? or up/down. Better name?
//Defaults for Cylinder (including circle as it is on top/bottom)
default_circle_middle = 0; // (mm toward middle of circle)
default_circle_ccw = false; // write on top or bottom in a ccw direction
default_circle_eastwest = 0;
default_cylinder_face = "side";
default_cylinder_updown = 0;
// Internal values - don't play with these :)
// This is much more accurate than the PI constant internal to Openscad.
internal_pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209;
internal_pi2 = internal_pi * 2;
// Internal values - You might want to play with these if you are using a proportional font
internal_space_fudge = 0.80; // Fudge for working out lengths (widths) of strings
debug = true;
// ---- Helper Functions ----
// String width (length from left to right or RTL) in OpenSCAD units
// NOTE: These are innacurate because we don't know the real spacing of the chars and so have to approximate
// They work for monospaced (fixed-width) fonts well
function width_of_text_char(size, spacing) = size * internal_space_fudge * spacing;
function width_of_text_string_num_length(length, size, spacing) = width_of_text_char(size, spacing) * length;
function width_of_text_string(t, size, spacing) = width_of_text_string_num_length(len(t), size, spacing);
function cylinder_center_adjusted_top(height, center) = (center == true) ? height / 2 : height;
function cylinder_center_adjusted_bottom(height, center) = (center == true) ? height / 2 : 0;
//Angle that measures width of letters on perimeter of a circle (and sphere and cylinder)
function rotation_for_character(size, spacing, r, rotate = 0) = (width_of_text_char( size, spacing ) / (internal_pi2 * r)) * 360 * (1 - abs(rotate) / 90);
//Rotate 1/2 width of text if centering
//One less -- if we have a single char we are already centred..
function rotation_for_center_text_string(t, size, spacing, r, rotate, center) = (center) ? (width_of_text_string_num_length(len(t) - 1, size, spacing) / 2 / (internal_pi2 * r) * 360) : 0;
//Rotate according to rotate and if centred text also 1/2 width of text
function rotation_for_center_text_string_and_rotate(t, size, spacing,r,rotate,center) = ((center) ? (width_of_text_string(t, size, spacing) / 2 / (internal_pi2 * r) * 360) : 1) * (1 - abs(rotate) / 90);
//---- Text on Object Functions ----
//Text on the top or side of a cylinder.
//Supports writing on normal and slanty cylinders
module text_on_cylinder(t = default_t,
locn_vec = [0,0,0],
face = default_cylinder_face,
updown = default_cylinder_updown,
rotate = default_rotate,
eastwest = default_circle_eastwest,
middle = default_circle_middle,
ccw = default_circle_ccw,
cylinder_center = false, //if the cylinder object we are writing on is center==true
//TODO: add rounded
//All objects
extrusion_height = default_extrusion_height,
center = default_center,
//All objects -- arguments as for text()
font = undef,
size = default_size,
direction = undef,
halign = undef,
valign = undef,
language = undef,
script = undef,
spacing = default_spacing) {
// echo (str("text_on_cylinder:There are " ,len(t) ," letters in t" , t));
// echo (str("text_on_cylinder:","h" , h));
// echo (str("text_on_cylinder:","r=" , r));
// echo (str("text_on_cylinder:","r1=" , r1));
// echo (str("text_on_cylinder:","r2=" , r2));
if((halign != undef) || (halign != undef)) {
echo(str("text_on_cylinder:","WARNING " , "halign and valign are NOT supported."));
rtl_sign = (direction == "rtl") ? -1 : 1;
if((face == "top") || (face == "bottom")) {
//Work on a circle
locn_offset_vec = (face == "top" ) ? [0, 0, cylinder_center_adjusted_top(h, cylinder_center)] : [0, 0, cylinder_center_adjusted_bottom(h, cylinder_center)];
rotation_angle = (face == "top" ) ? 0 : 180;
int_radius = (r == undef) ? ((face == "top" ) ? r2 : r1 ) : r; //Use the top/bottom radius for slanty-cylinders
rotate(rotation_angle, [1, 0, 0])
locn_vec + locn_offset_vec,
r = int_radius-size,
font = font,size=size,
spacing = spacing,
direction = direction,
language = language,
script = script,
halign = halign,
valign = valign,
extrusion_height = extrusion_height,
rotate = rotate,
eastwest = eastwest,
middle = middle,
ccw = ccw);
} else {
if((middle != undef) && (middle != default_circle_middle)) {
//TODO: Which others?
//TODO: Which side things aren't supported on the circle
echo(str("text_on_cylinder:","WARNING " , "middle NOT supported for the SIDE of a cylinder."));
//Work on the side
locn_offset_vec = (cylinder_center == true) ? [0, 0, 0] : [0, 0, h / 2];
rotate(-rtl_sign * rotation_for_center_text_string_and_rotate(t, size, spacing, r, rotate, center), [0, 0, 1])
translate(locn_vec + locn_offset_vec)
r = r,
h = h,
r1 = r1,
r2 = r2,
cylinder_center = cylinder_center,
center = center,
font = font,
size = size,
spacing = spacing,
direction = direction,
language = language,
script = script,
halign = halign,
valign = valign,
extrusion_height = extrusion_height,
rotate = rotate,
face = face,
updown = updown,
eastwest = eastwest);
module text_on_circle(t = default_t,
locn_vec = [0, 0, 0],
eastwest = default_circle_eastwest,
middle = default_circle_middle,
ccw = default_circle_ccw,
//All objects
extrusion_height = default_extrusion_height,
rotate = default_rotate,
center = default_center,
//All objects -- arguments as for text()
font = undef,
size = default_size,
direction = undef,
halign = undef,
valign = undef,
language = undef,
script = undef,
spacing = default_spacing,
buffer_width = default_buffer_width) {
// echo (str("text_on_circle:","There are " ,len(t) ," letters in t" , t));
// echo (str("text_on_circle:","rotate=" , rotate));
// echo (str("text_on_circle:","eastwest=" , eastwest));
if((halign != undef) || (halign != undef)) {
echo(str("text_on_circle:","WARNING " , "halign and valign are NOT supported."));
ccw_sign = (ccw == true) ? 1 : -1;
rtl_sign = (direction == "rtl") ? -1 : 1;
ttb_btt_inaction = (direction == "ttb" || direction == "btt") ? 0 : 1;
rotate_z_outer = -rotate + ccw_sign * eastwest;
rotate_z_inner = -rtl_sign * ccw_sign * ttb_btt_inaction * rotation_for_center_text_string(t, size, spacing, r-middle, rotate, center);
rotate(rotate_z_outer, [0, 0, 1] )
rotate(rotate_z_inner, [0, 0, 1] )
for(l = [0 : len(t) - 1]) {
//TTB/BTT means no per letter rotation
rotate_z_inner2 = -ccw_sign * 90 + ttb_btt_inaction * rtl_sign * ccw_sign * l * rotation_for_character(size, spacing, r - middle, rotate = 0); //Bottom out=-270+r
//TTB means we go toward center, BTT means away
vert_x_offset = (direction == "ttb" || direction == "btt") ? (l * size * ((direction == "btt") ? -1 : 1)) : 0;
rotate(rotate_z_inner2, [0, 0, 1])
translate([r - middle - vert_x_offset, 0, 0])
rotate(-ccw_sign * 270, [0, 0, 1]) // flip text (botom out = -270)
center = true,
font = font,
size = size,
rotate = undef,
spacing = spacing,
direction = undef, //We don't pass direction ( misaligns inside text() ). TODO: Investigate why
language = language,
script = script,
halign = halign,
valign = valign,
extrusion_height = extrusion_height,
buffer_width = buffer_width);
//Only expected to be called from another function. No defaults as expected to be done in parent.
//NOTE: This is hacked. Requires more mathematics than I feel like to do properly today....
//TODO: Refactor the two operations - side of normal and slanty
//No default checks in this funciton -- done in parent
module __internal_text_on_cylinder_side(t = default_t,
locn_vec = [0, 0, 0],
//All objects
extrusion_height = default_extrusion_height,
center = undef,
rotate = default_rotate,
//All objects -- arguments as for text()
font = undef,
size = default_size,
direction = undef,
halign = undef, //Overridden
valign = undef,
language = undef,
script = undef,
spacing = default_spacing,
buffer_width = default_buffer_width) {
// echo (str("__internal_text_on_cylinder_side:There are " ,len(t) ," letters in t" , t));
// echo (str("__internal_text_on_cylinder_side:","h=" , h));
// echo (str("__internal_text_on_cylinder_side:","r=" , r));
// echo (str("__internal_text_on_cylinder_side:","r1=" , r1));
// echo (str("__internal_text_on_cylinder_side:","r2=" , r2));
// echo (str("__internal_text_on_cylinder_side:","direction=" , direction));
if((halign != undef) || (halign != undef)) {
echo(str("text_on_cylinder:","WARNING " , "halign and valign are NOT supported."));
wid = width_of_text_char( size, spacing ); //TODO: refactor this out?
function calc_radius_at_height_offset(r1, r2, h_total, h_offset) = r1 + ((r2 - r1) * (h_total - h_offset) / h_total);
//Has to factor in up/downedness
//Starts at middle height then height displacement is reduced under rotation and by the slope of the uneven radii
function calc_height_offset_at_length(r1, r2, h, length, rotate, updown) = h / 2 - updown + length * rotate / 90 * cos(atan((r2 - r1) / h));
function calc_radius_at_length(r1, r2, h, length, rotate, updown) = calc_radius_at_height_offset(r1, r2, h, calc_height_offset_at_length(r1, r2, h, length, rotate, updown));
if(r == undef) {
//Slanty-cylinder (truncated cone) warnings
if((direction == "btt") || (direction == "ttb")) {
//TODO: After the issues are resolved refactoring should give this pretty easily
echo(str("text_on_cylinder:","WARNING" , " - Slanty-cylinders definitely don't directions TTB or BTT on sides yet. Setting direction to ltr."));
if(center == true) {
echo(str("text_on_cylinder:","WARNING" , " - Slanty-cylinders don't support centering yet. Setting center to false. You can adjust updown and eastwest and achieve most of what you are after...."));
r1 = (r1 != undef) ? r1 : r;
r2 = (r2 != undef) ? r2 : r;
//NOTE: r is not used after here. We operate on generalised slanty cone (r1 and r2)
//TODO: Look at changing this to extrusion_height_center
//and renaming the other as text_center
rr1 = (center) ? r1 - extrusion_height / 2 : r1;
rr2 = (center) ? r2 - extrusion_height / 2 : r2;
ccenter = (r != undef) ? center : false; //We don't do (text) centering for the slanty cones/helical paths (yet? ever?). Needs to do quite a few offset calcs.
ddirection = ((r == undef) && ((direction == "ttb") || (direction == "btt"))) ? "ltr" : direction; //We don't do ttb or btt directions on slanty
rtl_sign = (ddirection == "rtl") ? -1 : 1;
//This code takes care of slanty cylinders and "normal" cylinders
translate([0, 0, updown])
rotate(eastwest, [0, 0, 1])
for(l = [0 : len(t) - 1]) {
//TODO: TTB and BTT need to have a different concept of path/length than this for RTL/LTR
//width_of_... is half a char too long -- add 0.5 (counting from zero)
length_to_center_of_char = width_of_text_string_num_length(l + 0.5, size, spacing);
radius_here = calc_radius_at_length(rr1, rr2, h, length_to_center_of_char, rotate, updown);
//Rotating into position and tangentially to surface -- Don't rotate per character for ttb/btt
//-90 is to get centering at origin
rotate_z_inner = -90 + rtl_sign * rotation_for_character(size, spacing, radius_here, rotate) * ((ddirection == "ttb" || ddirection== "btt") ? 0 : l);
rotate(rotate_z_inner, [0, 0, 1]) {
//Positioning - based on (somewhat innacurate) string length
//Offset per character to go up/down the side in ttb/btt -- TTB down, BTT up
vert_z_char_offset = (ddirection == "ttb" || ddirection == "btt") ? (l * size * ((ddirection == "ttb") ? -1 : 1 )) : 0 ;
//Only if RTL/LTR and if center -- center the text (starts off in a more visually appealing location)
vert_z_half_text_offset_tmp = (len(t) -1) / 2 * (rotate / 90 * wid);
vert_z_half_text_offset = ((ddirection == "ttb" || ddirection == "btt") || (ccenter == false)) ? 0 : vert_z_half_text_offset_tmp;
translate([ radius_here , 0, vert_z_char_offset - l * (rotate / 90 * wid) + vert_z_half_text_offset])
//Flip to tangent on the sloping side (without respecting rotation impact on the tangent -- rotate seems a little off. TODO: Investigate).
rotate(atan((rr2 - rr1) /h), [0, 1, 0])
//Flip onto face of "normal" cylinder
rotate(90, [1, 0, 0])
rotate(90, [0, 1, 0])
//Modify the offset of the baselined text to center
translate([0, (ccenter) ? -size / 2 : 0, 0])
center = false,
rotate = rotate,
font = font,
size = size,
spacing = spacing,
direction = undef, //We don't pass direction ( misaligns inside text() ). TODO: Investigate why
language = language,
script = script,
halign = "center", //This can be relaxed eventually
valign = "baseline", //Need this to keep all letters on the same line (could also support top -- otherw will make
extrusion_height = extrusion_height,
buffer_width = buffer_width);
//NB: Iterates through characters/glyphs and presents them individually (but supports actions across the entire string still)
//supports all features of text() except: halign and valign
module text_on_sphere(t = default_t,
locn_vec = [0,0,0],
eastwest = default_sphere_eastwest,
northsouth = default_sphere_northsouth,
rotate = default_rotate,
spin = default_sphere_spin,
rounded = default_sphere_rounded,
//All objects
extrusion_height = default_extrusion_height,
center = default_center, //center = false doesn't really even make sense to do (IMHO)
scale = default_scale,
//All objects -- arguments as for text()
font = undef,
size = default_size,
direction = undef,
halign = undef, //Not supported - only here to enable a warning
valign = undef, //Not supported - only here to enable a warning
language = undef,
script = undef,
spacing = default_spacing) {
//echo ("text_on_sphere:There are " ,len(t) ," letters in t" , t);
if((halign != undef) || (halign != undef)) {
echo(str("text_on_sphere:","WARNING " , "halign and valign are NOT supported (functionality used in centering)."));
//TODO: refactor this?
rtl_sign = (direction == "rtl") ? -1 : 1;
//TODO: Look at changing this to extrusion_height_center
//and renaming the other as text_center
//If we are centered - we sink the radius by half the
//extrusion height to draw "just below the surface"
rr = (center) ? r - extrusion_height / 2 : r ;
rotate(eastwest, [0, 0, 1])
rotate(-northsouth, [1, 0, 0])
rotate(spin, [0, 1, 0]) {
//This tries to center the text (for RTL text).
ttb_btt_inaction = (direction == "ttb" || direction == "btt") ? 0 : 1;
rotate(-rtl_sign * ttb_btt_inaction * rotation_for_center_text_string(t, size, spacing, rr, rotate, center), [0, 0, 1]) {
if (rounded == false) {
__internal_text_on_sphere_helper(t = t,
r = rr,
rotate = rotate,
center = center,
scale = scale,
font = font,
size = size,
spacing = spacing,
direction = direction,
language = language,
script = script,
halign = halign,
valign = valign,
extrusion_height = extrusion_height);
} else {
//If rounding then clip the text inside an inner sphere and outer sphere
intersection() {
__internal_text_on_sphere_helper(t = t,
r = rr,
rotate = rotate,
center = center,
scale = scale,
font = font,
size = size,
spacing = spacing,
direction = direction,
language = language,
script = script,
halign = halign,
valign = valign,
extrusion_height = extrusion_height * 2); //Make it proud to clip it off.
//Shell - bounding inner and outer
difference() { //rounded outside
sphere(rr + extrusion_height);
// rounded inside for indented text
sphere( rr );
//internal function -- don't call directly
//No default checks in this funciton -- done in parent
module __internal_text_on_sphere_helper(t = default_t,
//All objects
extrusion_height = default_extrusion_height,
center = default_center,
scale = default_scale,
//All objects -- arguments as for text()
font = undef,
size = default_size,
direction = undef,
//halign = undef,
//valign = undef,
language = undef,
script = undef,
spacing = default_spacing,
buffer_width = default_buffer_width) {
rtl_sign = (direction == "rtl") ? -1 : 1;
ttb_btt_inaction = (direction == "ttb" || direction == "btt") ? 0 : 1;
ttb_btt_action = (direction == "ttb" || direction == "btt") ? 1 : 0;
for(l = [0 : len(t) - 1]) {
rotate_z_inner = -90 + rtl_sign * ttb_btt_inaction * l * rotation_for_character(size, spacing, r, 0);
translate_sign = (direction == "ttb" || direction == "btt") ? ((direction == "btt") ? 1 : -1) : 0 ;
//translate_effect = (direction=="ttb" || direction=="btt") ? 1 : 0 ;
//Translate letter to be located on the sphere in up/down direction when we are doing TTB and BTT
rotate(rotate_z_inner, [0, 0, 1])
translate(r * [cos(0 + ttb_btt_action * rotation_for_character(size, spacing, r, rotate) * l), 0, translate_sign * ttb_btt_action * sin(0 + rotation_for_character(size, spacing, r, rotate) * l)])
//Rotate letter to be tangential to the new part of the sphere when we are doing TTB and BTT
rotate(-90 * translate_sign * (0 + ttb_btt_action * rotation_for_character(size, spacing, r, rotate) * l) / 90 , [0, 1, 0])
//Flip character into position to be flush against sphere
rotate(90, [1, 0, 0])
rotate(90, [0, 1, 0])
//Modify the offset of the baselined text to center
translate([0, (center) ? -size / 2 : 0 , 0])
center = false,
rotate = rotate,
scale = scale,
font = font,
size = size,
spacing = spacing,
direction = undef, //We don't pass direction ( misaligns inside text() ). TODO: Investigate why
language = language,
script = script,
halign = "center", //This can be relaxed eventually
valign = "baseline", //Need this to keep all letters on the same line (could also support top -- otherw will make wonky letters)
extrusion_height = extrusion_height,
buffer_width = buffer_width);
//NB: cube_size is used instead of size (the name size is used in the text module)
//NB: Passes through text as strings -- supports all features of text()
module text_on_cube( t = default_t,
cube_size, //number or 3-vector
face = default_cube_face,
rightleft = default_cube_rightleft,
updown = default_cube_updown,
//All objects
locn_vec = [0, 0, 0],
extrusion_height = default_extrusion_height,
center = undef,
rotate = default_rotate,
scale = default_scale,
//All objects -- arguments as for text()
font = undef,
size = default_size,
direction = undef,
halign = undef,
valign = undef,
language = undef,
script = undef,
spacing = default_spacing,
buffer_width = default_buffer_width) {
//echo (str("text_on_cube:","There are " ,len(t) ," letters in t" , t));
//echo (str("text_on_cube:","cube_size" , cube_size));
if((halign != undef) || (halign != undef)) {
echo(str("text_on_cube:","WARNING " , "halign and valign are NOT supported."));
int_cube_size = (str(cube_size)[0] != "[") ? [cube_size, cube_size, cube_size] : cube_size;
rotate_x = ((face == "front") || (face == "back") || (face == "left") || (face == "right")) ? 90 : ((face == "bottom") ? 180 : 0); // Top is zero
rotate_y = ((face == "back") || (face == "left") || (face == "right")) ? (face == "back") ? 180 : ((face == "left") ? -90 : 90) : 0 ; // Right is 90, Top, bottom, front are zero
locn_vec_offset =
(face == "front") ? [+rightleft, -int_cube_size[1] / 2, +updown]
: ((face == "back") ? [+rightleft, +int_cube_size[1] / 2, +updown]
: ((face== "left") ? [-int_cube_size[0] / 2, +rightleft, +updown]
: ((face == "right") ? [+int_cube_size[0] / 2, +rightleft, +updown]
: ((face == "top") ? [+rightleft, +updown, +int_cube_size[2] / 2]
: [+rightleft, -updown, -int_cube_size[2] / 2]
)))); // bottom
translate(locn_vec + locn_vec_offset)
rotate(rotate_x, [1, 0, 0])
rotate(rotate_y, [0, 1, 0]) // rotate around the y axis (z before rotation)
center = center,
rotate = rotate,
scale = scale,
font = font,
size = size,
spacing = spacing,
direction = direction, // Does this misalign inside text()? the individual character modules do.
language = language,
script = script,
halign = halign,
valign = valign,
extrusion_height = extrusion_height,
buffer_width = buffer_width );
function default_if_undef(val, default_val) = (val != undef) ? val : default_val;
// Print a single character or a string at the desired extrusion height
// Passes on values to text() that are passed in
// TODO: Add x,y,z rotations get text facing the right way from the start)
module text_extrude( t = default_t,
extrusion_height = default_extrusion_height,
center = default_center, // Fudgy. YMMV. // TODO:center_extrusion, or extrusion offset??
rotate = default_rotate,
scale = default_scale, // For scaling by different on axes (for widening etc)
// Following are test() params (in addition to t=)
font = default_font,
size = default_size,
direction = undef,
halign = undef,
valign = undef,
language = undef,
script = undef,
spacing = default_spacing,
buffer_width = default_buffer_width) {
//echo (str("text_extrude:","There are " ,len(t) ," letters in text" , t));
//echo (str("text_extrude:","extrusion_height=" , extrusion_height));
if(center == true) {
if((halign != undef) || (valign != undef)) {
echo(str("text_extrude:","WARNING " , "When center is true, then halign and valign are NOT supported."));
// As arguments are explicitly set as undef (from higher functions) as they come down (they don't get defaults in this function as they are set as something)
// we need to check and replace any that we don't want to be undef
t = default_if_undef(t, default_t);
font = default_if_undef(font, default_font);
extrusion_height = default_if_undef(extrusion_height, default_extrusion_height);
center = default_if_undef(center, default_center);
rotate = default_if_undef(rotate, default_rotate);
spacing = default_if_undef(spacing, default_spacing);
size = default_if_undef(size, default_size);
halign = (center) ? "center" : halign ;
valign = (center) ? "center" : valign ;
extrusion_center = (center) ? true : false ;
rotate(rotate, [0, 0, -1]) //TODO: Do we want to make this so that the entire vector can be set?
linear_extrude(height = extrusion_height, convexity = 10, center = extrusion_center)
offset(delta = buffer_width)
text(text = t,
size = size,
$fn = 40,
font = font,
direction = direction,
spacing = spacing,
halign = halign,
valign = valign,
language = language,
script = script);